Sundays With Tabs the Cat, makeup as well as beauty blog Mascot, Vol. 698

Girl, I hope you have your cats treats ready! You don’t want to be unprepared for national like Your Pet Day, which was today, BTW.

Now, I want to state that both Tabs as well as Rosie would have clawed my eyes out if I ever failed to remember such an important event, however I’ve been lucky to help for two borderline obnoxiously loving cats, so if I’d ever seemed to fail to remember a day like today, they would have just smothered me with kitty hugs as well as biscuits up until I easily remembered.


Here’s the thing about when our pet buddies cross over the Rainbow Bridge… That deep love? It never goes away. It stays with you forever. When I photo Tabs looking up at me as well as slow-blinking his gorgeous eco-friendly eyes, I still feel the exact same warm feeling I’d get when Tabs was still here, as well as I can still keep in mind exactly how I felt when I’d open my door when I got house from work as well as Tabs would sprint from anywhere he was to greet me, meowing all the way, as well as then plopping down right in front of my feet to do his back as well as forth stomach flash rolls. That gorgeous orange tum was so luscious…

Today I showed Rosie I like her with breakfast, lunch as well as dinner treats, which made her day. understanding Rosie, though, she’ll utilize me spoiling her to figure out a scientific calculation to manipulate me into feeding her treats all the time, as well as she’ll test her theory utilizing the scientific method. I’ll just ended up being an unknowing part of a brilliant feline science experiment.

I like that Rosie’s so smart. Tabs — bless his heart — was the most beautiful, sweetest boy…but he was not the smartest feline in the shed (lol).


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I like Rosie’s capability to issue solve. She’s rather the kitty genius. In fact, when we very first brought her home, we were watching a show about kitties on TV one night, as well as when Rosie heard the cry of the kitties on the show, she looked around the living space for those bit infant cats. She looked behind the TV, beneath the TV as well as around every corner, whereas Tabs would have never figured something like that out.


I likewise like that Rosie sleeps with us in bed every night as well as exactly how she does special things just for me. Like, I’m the only one whose head she’ll sleep on. Yup, she doesn’t do that with anybody else.

Your friendly community beauty addict,


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